Is the baseband module of wifi halow selected from newratech or morse?

Is the baseband module of wifi halow selected from newratech or morse?

WiFi HaLow uses baseband modules from Morse Micro. ‌

So far, most WiFi HaLow hardware platforms are based on Newracom chips. However, AsiaRF's [AP7688-WHM WiFi HaLow IoT Gateway is different, it uses a module based on the Morse Micro MM6108 802.11ah SoC. This gateway is equipped with a 580 MHz MediaTek MT7688 MIPS processor, capable of 802.11n WiFi 4 and dual Ethernet networking, with a USB port and an RS232 console for industrial control‌.

WiFi HaLow technology not only extends the range and battery life of Wi-Fi connected devices, but also represents an exciting future for people and devices connected wirelessly through the Internet of Things. Its application range is very wide, from sensors, actuators and security cameras to home automation, home appliances and thermostats, all of which can improve user experience and productivity while reducing installation and operating costs‌.
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